Hi my name is Taryn, you might know me from such brands as McCrory Creative, Build your Brand.
I am here to introduce the launch of my new brand (click here) Moana Marie, Merchandise that Inspires. Basically the whole premise of this is; change your thoughts, change your feelings and you change your life. Everyday you wake and you have a choice about what goes through your head that affects yourself and those around you.
If you’re waking up and you’re telling yourself that you are fat, or that you’re not worthy than you are going to behave that way and so is the world around you but if you woke up and told yourself to “Follow the Joy” today or to “Wake up and Slay the Day”, or a good one to repeat to yourself over and over again is “I Love and Approve of Myself.” Then you can affect your mental health in a positive way.
The thing with mantras is you have to do it for more than a day. It’s a micro-improvement. Compounded together after a long while is when you see results. That’s why negative thoughts also have the same compounding effect. Just like a seed that needs water. The more you water yourself with positive mantras the more your well-being will grow.
Self love is the biggest gift you can give to yourself so if you are struggling with mental health, feeling worthy or anxiety start today, and you don’t have to buy a t-shirt or a mug from me you can just do it yourself, write it on your mirror and start loving yourself right now.
But if you want it on a t-shirt or a mug that is the whole point behind Moana Marie, Merchandise that inspires, you can literally wear your mantra on your shirt and you can spread that love from yourself to other people.
You are a being designed in love, created in love and you’re worthy of love so thank you for supporting small business and thank you for supporting Moana Marie – Merchandise that Inspires. Grateful xxx